Contact details
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions or bookings
Queensway, Melbourne, Derbyshire, DE73 8FG
How long does it take?
I would usually say anything from 20 minutes to an hour. There’s no rush, I’m very happy for people to change their babies, feed babies or just enjoy a hot cup of tea here! Same applies to couples, families and dogs. A rare occurrence, but if I need you to come back to redo the mould for any reason, I’ll ask as quickly as possible and see you as soon as you’re available.
When will it be ready?
A typical time frame would be six to eight weeks from the day of casting. It takes three to five weeks for the plaster to fully dry depending on the size. During this time, I’ll perfect the cast with various tools and once it’s dry, it'll be painted in a colour of your choice and framed/mounted.
What should I wear?
For babies, preferably a baby grow without arms and legs. Adults - I’d recommend a top with roll up sleeves. I try to keep it as mess free as possible but I’d advise wearing something you’re not bothered about it.
Is it safe?
Yes. Alginate is used to make the mould mix and it’s very safe to use on skin, even baby skin. A lot of dentists use this to take moulds of teeth, so you may have seen it before.
Have I left it too late?
Never! Casts are wonderful at any and every age!
Casts in which only a deposit has been paid must be collected (and the remainder paid) within six weeks of completion. Casts fully paid for but not collected within six months will be disposed of or used as samples.
The first half of your payment must be made on the day of the casting, and the remainder (with the deposit offset) on collection.
A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to confirm any booking and will be offset against your balance.
Melbourne Creations reserves the right to change our prices at anytime. Although quotes given within a two month period prior to this will be honoured.
Under international copyright law, this websites content (images, logos, text) are protected to Melbourne Creations. Use of these without consent are prohibited and unlawful.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
The first half of your payment must be made on the day of the casting, and the remainder (with the deposit offset) on collection.
A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to confirm any booking and will be offset against your balance.
Melbourne Creations reserves the right to change our prices at anytime. Although quotes given within a two month period prior to this will be honoured.
Under international copyright law, this websites content (images, logos, text) are protected to Melbourne Creations. Use of these without consent are prohibited and unlawful.
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.